Trends of the Decades - The 1940s

Trends of the Decades - The 1940s
by Neil Bason

It is impossible to discuss the decade that was the ‘40s without referencing WWII, which swallowed the first half of the period. It was a time of unprecedented loss, sacrifice, and hardship. A time that will forever be remembered as one of humanity’s darkest chapters.

Several technological developments of the time were largely shaped by conflict. We witnessed the birth of atomic weapons, radar and the transistor radio. Yet, we also got to throw a frisbee, microwave our meals and begin expansive Tupperware collections.

It was a huge decade for the emergence of cinema and film too, with timeless classics such as The Maltese Falcon, Casablanca and Disney’s ‘Fantasia’ thrilling viewers.

The Tempest Photography Timeline

The war years proved significant in the Tempest timeline also. Horace Tempest joined the war effort by becoming a firefighter in Nottingham during a time when Britain was under a barrage of German bombs.

In business terms, 1942 proved especially significant as Tempest Photography was registered as a limited company. For the first time, we had a title, an official name! Under the guidance and drive of Horace, the potential for a bright future was a growing reality.

Photography in the ‘40s

  • The decade that began with war saw rapid evolution in photography styles. Photojournalism captured life on the frontlines and was splashed across newspapers.
  • In the post-war years, and with the use of the camera as a tool for documenting life firmly established, some photographers began to again push back the boundaries of the medium by using the camera as a means for abstract artistic expression. The rise of the camera as more than a simple means to capture a moment in time was well underway.

The Big Moments

The Gibson Les Paul guitar was created in 1941. In 2022 it remains an instrument of choice for many musicians thanks to its undeniable quality and unbridled cool.

1945 brought the brutal WWII conflict to an end with Germany surrendering its forces to the Allies on May 7th.

In 1947, the Polaroid instant camera was created to capture moments and reveal the images instantly for all to see. Kind of like an older version of Twitter.

Great Britain creates the NHS. It remains a source of immense pride to this day and was critical in guiding the nation through the recent pandemic.

In 1948, George Gamow proposed his ‘Big Bang Theory’ about the creation of the universe. It was a theory that sparked debate, questions, and an American sitcom.

The infamous Slinky was released to excited kids who were still some years away from the invention of the video game.

The Soundtrack

Jazz and big bands maintained their hold on the music loving audience as the ‘40s rolled along. Glenn Miller and Peggy Lee enjoyed roaring success, whilst crooners such as Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby dominated the charts.

Our Favourites:

Glenn Miller – In the Mood

Nat King Cole – Route 66

Frank Sinatra – Night & Day

Peggy Lee – Golden Earrings

Ella Fitzgerald – My Happiness

The 40s will forever be scarred by the impact of war. It is an undeniable truth. Yet as the door closed on one of humanity’s darkest periods, we stepped into the light that was the ‘50s. A time of resurging spirit, a guy named Elvis, and renewed optimism.

See you there!

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