An Eye on the Environment - The Polcore Solution

An Eye on the Environment - The Polcore Solution
by Neil Bason Posts

Climate change and the impact of humanity on the environment remains a critical topic on a global scale. It can be easy to get lost in the blurred lines of modern life and its unquenchable thirst for speed, forgetting the far bigger picture that every generation has a duty of care for the planet we call home.

We are merely caretakers on a rock spinning wild through space – so how can we do our bit for future generations?

This new eco-friendly blog series is built to highlight how here at Tempest we take our role very seriously and continually strive to develop processes that reduce our carbon footprint so that tomorrow’s caretakers have a chance to thrive.

Keeping the Environment in the Frame

As a photography company, we deal in more frames than the World Snooker Championships. Picture frames are an integral and substantial part of our business, so it is vital that we ensure this area of our process is designed to be a friend to the environment.

How we achieved this goal is two-fold. Firstly, all of the materials used in our frames are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). The role of the FSC is to promote responsible management of the world’s forests, and since its inception back in 1994 its certification has become the most recognised worldwide.

And secondly is a little thing known as Polcore. In terms of hitting goals for the environment, Polcore is something of an eco Lionel Messi.

Let me elaborate…

From Waste to All Kinds of Wonderful

Polcore is a big deal in environmental circles. This lightweight material is made entirely from recycled materials. Here at Tempest, using Polcore we can create hand-made frames on-site built entirely from recycled plastic cups!

This delivers huge benefits in our continuing push to be an environmentally proactive company. No trees are harmed in the production of a Polcore frame, and in addition by using recycled materials in production, the amount of waste sent to landfills is dramatically reduced. Pretty cool, right?

But there’s more…

Let There Be Light

Polcore frames are very lightweight. What this means from an environmental perspective is that they are easier to transport and as a knock-on deliver a reduction in the carbon emissions generally associated with shipping bulk items. The lighter weight product equals less fuel consumption resulting in fewer greenhouse gas emissions. Again, how cool is that? Polcore has it going on like some sort of eco-superhero!

But wait...

Does Lightweight Mean Weak?

The answer, thankfully, is no. Where Polcore is concerned, lightweight is not a downside. In fact, these frames are wonderfully durable! Customers have a frame that can stand the test of time and handle the occasional bump, whilst the environment has a frame made from recycled plastic cups whose naturally robust nature means it can still be standing proud on the mantlepiece, or hanging happily on the wall, long after the lifespan of traditional wooden frames has run its course. Another tick in the box labelled 'less waste'.

To Wrap Up

This may read like a party political broadcast on behalf of the Polcore Party, but in truth, the climate crisis is a reality that businesses such as our own cannot ignore. We can play a role in turning the tide, and have a duty to do so. Products such as Polcore go a long way to reducing the carbon footprint and leading us towards a more sustainable future.

Who would have thought the humble plastic cup could have such a role to play?

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